December 2019 |
Cover Article:
God With Us!
Whatever your circumstances at Christmastime, God is with you.
Signs online features this month
Give God the Broom  Housecleaning is about more than sweeping the floor. Dandelions and the Judgment  There really is a relationship between the two. God Does Not Fail
Living With Children: The Key to Successful Child Discipline
How the World Could End—and How It Will Even scientists are concerned that it could happen someday. Getting What You Don’t Deserve Some things in life are a gift. Expectations . . . The hope of Jesus’ return changes how I live today. The Suicide Plant The consequences of disobedience The War to End All Wars No war will end all wars until the war of the universe is resolved. The Christmas Carol That Stopped a War A century later it still inspires us. What Does God Do With Our Sins? He promised to blot them out. What does that mean? Religion in the News
Health Matters: Could Exercising After Breakfast Burn More Carbs?
Discover the Bible’s Answers to Your Questions