November 2012 |
Cover Article:
Is God a Republican? 
As Americans prepare to go to the polls this month, what are some of the religious promises of politicians?
Signs online features this month
Who Is the Holy Spirit?  What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Christian? What does He do for us? Eternal Torment?  Some people claim that the Bible teaches that if you don't believe in God, you'll burn in hell forever. The Benefits of Temptation  We tend to think of temptation as something to be avoided. But if we relate to it appropriately, several good things can come from each one. Living With Children: The Terrible Twos
10 Steps to a Healthy Heart Heart disease affects millions. What can you do to prevent it? Life on Fast-Forward We keep ourselves so busy that often it's hard to find time to relax. What is the Bible's solution to this problem? A Good Reason to Serve Behavioral science experts Gary Hopkins and Duane McBride say that in helping others, our children help themselves. The Wedding That Almost Wasn't What's a girl to do when her future mother-in-law hates her? More Than Words ADRA helped an entire Nepalese community to become self-sufficient. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn In an Attempt to overcome a childhood trauma, Emmie Willis developed a 28-day healing program. Healing Prayer What do we do when we feel that God has abandoned us? How do we pray in order to reconnect with Him? Putting the Delay in Perspective Why have Christians waited so long for Jesus to return? How should we relate to this apparent delay? Fake Christians It's one thing to believe God's teachings in the Bible. It's another thing to know God. Food Matters: Eggs: Unscrambling Fact From Fiction
Bible Discovery: The Holy Spirit: Bigger Than Facebook
Your Bible Questions Was God's law instituted before or after Creation?