November 2011 |
Cover Article:
Good News About the End of the World 
Millions of people have their focus on December 21, 2012, as the end of the world. The news is far better than that.
Signs online features this month
What the Holy Spirit Can Do for You  The Holy Spirit can help you to have a more meaningful spiritual life in several ways. Are You a Car or a Computer?  Cars and Computers are interesting ways to think of our human nature. What are the implications of these two concepts? Busy as a Bee  Bees are busy little creatures and highly organized. Bees can teach us some lessons that can help us in our service for others. Living With Children: Kids Who Want Too Much Attention
Depression: The Deadly Killer Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for adults between the ages of 18 and 65 in America, and depression is the main driving force. My Faith A woman was on the verge of losing everything but gained it all back thanks to a stranger's help. Focus on the Goal Ahead We can learn valuable life lessons from sports. People-Watching in India Kimberly Ellison finds a solution for poverty on an overseas trip. The Hittites Until recently, scholars believed that the Hittite kingdom mentioned in the Bible was a fictional nation. But we now know it did exist. Christ's Second Coming Christ's return will bring the end of the world as we know it—and that's good news! A Good Death? Is there indeed such a thing? It's in the Stars We're fascinated by the idea of knowing the future. Here is a look back in time to see what we've learned so far. A Rare Gift Barry Kimbrough reflects on the spiritual implications of an unusual gift that a son made to his father. Food Matters: The Five Worst Foods in Your Fridge
Bible Discovery: Signs of the End
Your Bible Questions Does the Hebrew Bible say YHWH or Yahweh?