October 2019 |
Cover Article:
Forgive to Live 
Don’t allow the bitterness of resentment cut your life short.
Signs online features this month
Jesus Christ: Who Was He?  The Bible’s most well-known Person is a mystery to many. Can You Talk Back to God?  Is it OK to question God about the problems in your life? What the Bible Says About Money  When the heart is converted, the purse is inverted. Living With Children: Taste Buds Gone Awry?
Comparison: The Thief of Joy It’s time to steal it back! The Mouse Murderer! Satan is eager to get you on his side! All Things New Genuine religion brings about a radical change in us. The Price of My Dreams She learned that money isn’t really the source of happiness. Help Is on the Way! Whatever the problem you’re facing, God has the answer. He Really Is Coming Someday! She knew that one day she really would see Jesus in the sky. Religion in the News
Health Matters: Creating a Healthy Sleep Schedule
Discover the Bible’s Answers to Your Questions