April 2016 |
Cover Article:
He's Alive: What This Means to You! 
What if Jesus were not alive today? Nancy Canwell reflects on the difference that His resurrection two thousand years ago makes in our lives today.
Signs online features this month
Ten Reasons Why I’m Glad I’ve Been Poor  Sandra Doran reflects on the blessings she’s received from the financial ups and downs of a life filled with service. God’s Chocolate Laws  Some people are afraid of God’s laws. Others ignore them. Charles Mills points out why God gave us His laws and how they can benefit you. Beyond Imagination  Some things in the Bible are hard for us to visualize. However, Chuck Henning did an excellent job of imagining God’s new world. Living With Children Tantrum Child
Teaching Girls Positive Values How can we raise our daughters to better value themselves? Rochelle Fraser investigates the answer to this critical question. The Growing Food Crisis The world is on the edge of a major food crisis, but in spite of grave prospects, Kenneth Cox believes there’s hope. The Colt That Had Never Been Ridden Nathan Gordon Thomas comments on the most important trip Jesus ever took during His earthly life. Baby Brain Boost Arlene Taylor says that we would be doing our children a disservice if “goo-goo” and “ga-ga” are all we say to them. The Gift of No Saying No to our children can be hard when they’re begging for something, but Tammy Darling shares ways to do it that can make it easier for both us and our kids. What Salvation Means to Me Each person’s religious experience is a bit different from everyone else’s. Maylan Schurch reflects on what God’s offer of salvation means to him. What’s for Dinner? The Bible doesn’t condemn the consumption of food nor our enjoyment of it, but Loren Seibold suggests that society’s obsession with what we eat is getting out of hand. Diet Busters Have you been trying to lose weight—only to find your goal elusive? Joy Wendt shares some secrets she’s learned about shedding those pounds. A School for Refugees March 15 this year marked the five-year anniversary of the Syrian crisis, which has displaced half of the country’s population. Josh Dye reports on what one agency is doing to help. The Generous Little Heart An unknown author shares a story that illustrates both the difficulty and the reward of giving. Food Matters Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease Your Bible Questions