Current Issue

Cover Article:

Hollywood’s Battle for Your Mind

Are Harry Potter and his film companions simply witty, lovable kids? Think again, says Steve Wohlberg. Something much more sinister is going on.

September 2006

Signs online features this month

I Learned to Pray
Rodney Davenport Jr. prayed childish prayers even as an adult, until something happened that made his prayers “grow up.”
Where Will You Spend the Millennium?
Most Christians probably expect to spend the millennium on this earth. The editor questions that conclusion—and he shows why from the Bible.
Your Thoughts
This page in Signs of the Times® is written by readers who share their comments about our articles. We invite you share your response with us by writing the editors.
God Is Like a Preschool Teacher
Lesa Lank spent a summer helping out in a preschool, and the youngsters taught her a valuable lesson about God.

Signs subscribers can also read these articles in the print edition of the September 2006 issue

How to Be a Beautiful Woman
Popular culture leads us to believe that only a few lucky women are beautiful. But Patricia R. Garey maintains that there’s beauty in every woman.
What the Holy Spirit Can Do for You
Are you troubled by doubts, tormented by depression, guilt, or fear? Alejandro Bullón points to One who has the solution: the Holy Spirit.
Making Health a Priority
Americans spend nearly $2 trillion a year treating their diseases, but only 2 percent of that on prevention. “Something’s wrong with that picture!” says Gordon Botting.
As the drilling rig went down, the price of the well went up. But 20 years later, Ruth Bradley is still praising God.